Culture Change RX

Culture Bytes: From “Working Short” to “We Show Up For Each Other”

Sue Tetzlaff Season 1 Episode 15

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In this solo Culture Byte episode, Sue shares a story about how setting goals helped a department change its culture and behaviors. The department focused on reducing absenteeism and created a social contract to achieve this goal. They recognized and rewarded employees with perfect attendance, tracked attendance on a graph, and even created a challenge for a whole pay period of perfect attendance. As a result, absenteeism decreased, patient satisfaction with cleanliness increased, overtime went down, and teamwork improved. 

Episode Insights and Takeaways

  • Setting department goals with employees can create a social contract and drive behavior and culture change.
  • Recognizing and rewarding positive behavior can motivate employees to achieve goals.
  • Tracking progress and sharing data can help employees see the impact of their efforts.
  • Creating mini-challenges can further engage employees in achieving goals.
  • Setting goals that align with organizational objectives can lead to overall improvement in various areas.

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